Il mondo della pelle è affascinante e pieno di segreti, ma circolano anche alcuni pregiudizi.
Questa sezione nasce proprio con lo scopo di fare informazione di qualità, diffondere il valore della pelle e raccontare le incredibili proprietà di un materiale così pregiato.

Ecco perché siamo membri di Leather Naturally, un’associazione no-profit che ha lo scopo di divulgare le curiosità del nostro settore, promuovere la bellezza naturale e sostenibile della pelle, ispirare designer e professionisti.

Tanneries are fundamental

Tanneries are fundamental

Without the leather industry, we would be faced with new challenges regarding the disposal of hides generated by consumer goods. It is estimated that the global demand for meat and milk results in the generation of 13.1 million tons of by-products annually, including leather.That's why tanneries play a crucial role in this context, fitting into a circular economy and adding value to a by-product that, if discarded, would create a significant environmental impact.
Have you ever heard of the ZDHC programme?

Have you ever heard of the ZDHC programme?

 Here are its fundamental objectives:👉 to eliminate or replace hazardous chemicals👉 to develop transparent processes to promote safer chemistry👉 to improve the management of chemicals👉 to develop collaboration with stakeholders to promote transparency about the chemicals used
The answer is no!

The answer is no!

Where forest lands are apparently being replaced by farming, the usual drivers are greed and corruption, profiting from logging, mining or growing crops such as soybeans.In fact, the demand for meat and dairy products is being met by increasingly efficient farms that require fewer animals rather than significant growth in herds.Informed by valid sources, dive deeper with @leather_naturally.
Did you know that the DRUM is one of the most essential tanning tools?

Did you know that the DRUM is one of the most essential tanning tools?

Since the early 1900s ‘DRUMS’ have played a fundamental role throughout the entire tanning process.The original and traditional drums were made from exotic wood whose tight fiber offered a strong and durable drum. Today with our attention on deforestation and sustainability there is a move to use alternative wood or resin made drums.A drum is a cylinder the rotates on its axis – it is used in various stages of the process from cleaning, washing, dehairing to dying and finally for milling, one of the last but most important stages when the hides are ‘drummed’, tumbled for hours to become soft and supple
Did you know that happy animals produce better quality leather?

Did you know that happy animals produce better quality leather?

This is because the care given to them enables them to maintain their skin with fewer imperfections.
The answer is 270 million! ♻️

The answer is 270 million! ♻️

The tanning industry processes 7 million tonnes of leather each year;waste from the food industry which, if not recycled, would have to be disposed of in landfills. Can you imagine the greenhouse gas emissions that this would entail?