Il mondo della pelle è affascinante e pieno di segreti, ma circolano anche alcuni pregiudizi.
Questa sezione nasce proprio con lo scopo di fare informazione di qualità, diffondere il valore della pelle e raccontare le incredibili proprietà di un materiale così pregiato.

Ecco perché siamo membri di Leather Naturally, un’associazione no-profit che ha lo scopo di divulgare le curiosità del nostro settore, promuovere la bellezza naturale e sostenibile della pelle, ispirare designer e professionisti.

Let’s talk! Share data and information on circular production

Let’s talk! Share data and information on circular production

Let’s talk! Share data and information on circular production in our sector, using the hashtag #circulareconomyHow many hands does #leather pass through before becoming a finished product? In our circular production model there is no waste, only new resources. The residues produced in the early stages of the process are reused in #agriculture to combat soil infertility.
Another supply chain that benefits from waste derived from circular leather production is the food industry.

Another supply chain that benefits from waste derived from circular leather production is the food industry.

Another supply chain that benefits from waste derived from circular leather production is the food industry.Chewing gum, gummy sweets and even wine and beer... All of these products may contain gelatin obtained from the residues of the liming and tanning phases.